What forming a union can do for us? As nurses we advocate for our patients every day - Who is advocating for us?

  • We decide what goes into our contract that we vote on. If certain practices are currently working well - they can stay the same.

  • The opportunity to negotiate for fair wages, 403(b) plans, improved healthcare benefits, holidays, sick pay, staffing ratios, role clarity, fair flexible scheduling, vacations and so much more.

  • Ensures we are not unfairly disciplined or terminated. The Teamsters offer powerful grievance procedures, dedicated representatives, and skilled labor attorneys to represent us in the event we feel we are being mistreated. Our rights matter.

  • A contract offers us consistency no matter what mergers happen, or when there has been a change in direction from corporate management.

  • A union can help protect our nursing license. We deserve to practice nursing in an environment that does not put our license in jeopardy. The company doesn’t risk anything by short-staffing us, giving us unsafe assignments, or floating nurses to multiple units in a shift. But we risk everything.

What can a union fight for?

  • Pension

  • Safer staffing ratios

  • Incentives for working short

  • Affordable health insurance with better coverage

  • Retirement matching

  • Solidarity and so much more…

Why the fight?

  • Loss of benefits over the years including but not limited to Pension, emergency personal days, PTO loss, employee discounts

  • floating / ‘holiday’ pay

  • Yearly bonus pay for obtaining an optional certification

  • Most tasks placed on nurses

  • Unfairness with getting pulled into other units 2-3 times in ONE shift